urban farm

13 articles
Do Our Backyard Chickens Still Pay for Themselves?

Do Our Backyard Chickens Still Pay for Themselves?

Keeping chickens over the past few years has been quite the adventure in both the actual keeping of chickens and in the human response to the fact that we keep chickens.  Conversations are either based around confusion or excitement!  I get questions all the time like;You can keep chickens in the city?Is it expensive to keep chickens?I've always wanted to…
Grow, Harvest, Eat

Grow, Harvest, Eat

Just when I thought that summer was on it's way quickly into fall, we've had two steady weeks of heat.  Go figure, right?  The garden is in full production mode, though everything is later than it was last year, and even the year before that...I still haven't even harvested any corn. I mentioned in my last Grow, Harvest, Eat post…
Grow, Harvest, Eat

Grow, Harvest, Eat

Grow I fear that the garden has reached its peak and it's all downhill from here.  Why?  Well, for the past couple of nights, it's been cold enough for me to sleep with long pants and a long sleeved shirt on. Yep, that's my science ;-) Really, though, the days have been a bit cooler (high 70s to mid-80s) and…
We Made it onto the Front Page!

We Made it onto the Front Page!

A Reporter (Adele) from the Santa Fe New Mexican (our local paper) showed up to the Kitchen Garden & Coop Tour on Sunday and chatted me up for a bit.  Silly Me didn't think much of it since not every story a reporter comes up with actually makes it into the paper...but this one did and it even included a…
Grow, Harvest, Eat

Grow, Harvest, Eat

The last two weeks have brought us both sunshine and flooding (or flooding concerns, depending on where you are in relation to burn scars from all of our fires this summer).  There has been hail, very intense lightening storms, tornado like conditions and crazy wind whipping around central and northern New Mexico. Source Luckily, for us, our little pocket of…
Kitchen Garden & Coop Tour – Our Space

Kitchen Garden & Coop Tour – Our Space

Well, we did it!  We survived the 2013 Homegrown NM Kitchen Garden & Coop Tour!  I may wake up tomorrow without a voice form talking for 5 1/2 hours straight about what we've done on our little plot, why, where and how, but we did it! The response we got from our visitors was amazing!  People were excited and inspired…