The Ugly

16 articles
Cabbage Destruction

Cabbage Destruction

This is the first year we're attempting to grow cabbage.  It all started out great and full of hope.  Then, the cabbage worms struck.  We started picking them off one by one...which was nearly impossible, but worked...mostly...though not before many, many holes were chewed.It seems that the worms are gone now, but in their place are these itty bitty black…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!Something very exciting happened this week!  We harvested our first three tomatoes!!!  Yep, you read that right...two Yellow Taxi Tomatoes and one cherry tomato!  Oh man!  I guess that starting those seeds under the grow lights in February really paid off :-)We also harvested our first dill, the last of the over-wintered carrots, and some more kale, peas,…
Cherry Carnage & Strawberry Protection

Cherry Carnage & Strawberry Protection

Whelp...after all the excitement and promise of cherries last week, it looks like I was worried about the wrong pest.  This is what has happened over the past few days...Do you see the two almost ripe cherries?Now, do you see the devoured cherry above them?Yep...all our beautiful, ripe cherries have been devoured, making a few nice meals for the local…
Good News/Bad News

Good News/Bad News

The good news is, we have cherries that are ripening up!The bad news is, we have a million aphids on our cherry tree!The good news is, we also have some Ladybugs on our cherry tree!Let's hope they're hungrier and faster than the aphids...
Broody Blondie

Broody Blondie

Well, after last weekends post about our broody hen we decided to put Blondie in solitary confinement for a couple of days. We decided to use our brooder (Version #2) and put it in the garage where the temperature this time of year is still pretty cool.  (We've had a couple of laughs about using the brooder for the broody hen!)  She went…


Whelp...we have our first broody hen.  This is Blondie (called that because of all her yellow coloring...all our other Ameracaunas have a rustier coloring to their feathers) and she's officially gone broody over the past week.  Being that she's a little over a year old and it's spring, I guess she's right on time with her instincts, but really...I could…