
17 articles


Mama Mello might still be holding those kids of hers hostage, but Kitty has "delivered" her ducklings to us right on time! Today marks day 35 since Kitty sat on her clutch, and in perfect form, all those ducklings she's been caring for so diligently began hatching early this morning! Now, she's guarding them well, holding them close under her warm belly…

Apple Tree Bird

Yes this post could also be called: Melissa Really Needs to Work on Her Identification Skills ;-) Regardless of my challenges, I am so happy to have finally captured a photo (two!) of this lovey bird!  Bouncing from branch to branch, calling out it's sweet song for well over a month now, I have tried without success to capture a…

Oh Mama! (Kidding Prep)

T-Minus 10 days and counting, and I can't imagine how much bigger Mama might get between now and her sweet babies joining us! We've spent the month of April doing our best to pull everything together for the arrival of our very first kids (and births!) on the farm. We're nervous and excited, worried and trusting, exhausted and inspired. We've…


Last week, while trying to capture shots of all the glorious bees dancing among the blossoms (those buggers are quick!), I almost missed another kind of dance literally happening right in front of me: Gotta love Nature ;-) xoxo, M

Goat Pregnancy Watch! Day 111

As you might recall, on Day 86 I wrote about our wonderings as to whether or not Mama was actually pregnant and finally deciding that yes, in fact, she must have at least two kids in there! Well, now that we're about a month out from her estimated/official Kidding Day (May 7th at 145 days), she's really starting to pop!…

Happy Spring!

With a very busy weekend almost complete... Full of: Cultivating the garlic and up-potting tomatoes... Moving our compost pile and spending quality time with the ducks... Visiting a day-old calf and building a "living tent" for Ember (stay tuned)... Enjoying the sunshine and dirty, sweaty, down-in-the-dirt work... Sowing peas and beans and greens... & Feeling so very grateful for our…