A few months ago I decided to take the four season garden challenge hosted by Melinda over at One Green Generation. The challenge is all about growing at least one new item in your yard each season. While some of the crops I mentioned in the initial posting about this challenge have failed (peanuts…
Seed Saving and Diversity of Crops
In the most current edition of National Geographic there were two food related articles that kicked my ass. While I already had some of this information, these articles really drove home a few things for me. The first, How to Feed a Growing Planet talked briefly about how our 7…
In the past, seed saving has always been something I have thought about only in relation to crops. The strongest/best fruits and veggies whose seeds are harvested in order to preserve their awesomeness and feed the people for generations to come. I guess I have always thought of seed saving as an…
Today was a big…er…HUGE planting day! We planted about a million (no joke) seeds in our front and back yards in addition to a ton and a half of Wild Flower seeds both in beds and back behind our Top Bar Hive (the bees should arrive this week)! We still…
A Growing Problem…
I have a problem. A growing problem. I want to grow everything and it’s a problem. For real. I went to grab a couple of bags of soil yesterday morning to amend a couple of our smaller beds and wound up walking out with the soil AND 9 packets of…
With spring officially upon us I find myself remembering how many hours of hard, dirty work it takes to get the yard ready for planting! All winter long, while I’m warm and cozy, hibernating and stuck inside, I fantasize about being in the yard with the sun on my back…
With the time change (and my body’s inability to figure out when to sleep and when to wake) also comes more light and Spring being (officially) in view! HooRay!!! Last weekend we did a little spring cleaning and prepping…and I’m just writing about it now because it was all quite…
I have finally completed my list of seeds…What I have and what I want. While I have not begun planting yet…I plan on starting the babies inside next weekend…I definitely have (almost) Spring Fever!!! Here are all of the seeds that will go into the ground this year somewhere in…