
17 articles
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday, everyone!Well, as I mentioned yesterday, the cold is toying with us!  We were forecasted to hit freezing temps last weekend, but alas, nothing happened.  I'm guessing this will be our last large harvest before bringing in all the green tomatoes in the next week or so and the potatoes that we're hoping have matured under cover, but I…
Mini Quiche Experiment

Mini Quiche Experiment

While we're still trying to plan ahead in order to eat healthier during our busy summer days I got the idea to adapt our regular quiche into mini quiches from Snacking in the Kitchen that I found on Pinterest a few weeks ago.  I figured I could make a bunch of different mini quiches and freeze them for quick breakfasts. So, I…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday, everyone!This week featured tomatoes, tomatoes and more tomatoes (it's a good thing we like 'em), a few potatoes and carrots (it's a good thing we like those, too) and a tiny bit of the first fall lettuce!!!As tomatoes have been ripening in the garage, we've been bringing them inside and either eating them or freezing them for later.…
The Great Potato Harvest of 2011

The Great Potato Harvest of 2011

On the last weekend in April we planted 2.5 pounds of German Butterballs in some recycled kiddie pools and a few ounces of red potatoes (that were sprouting in the pantry) in a big bucket.After many months of waiting, drought, hail storms and lots of patience, the time finally came to harvest them!!!  This weekend, with the help of Beastie and her…
Garden Happiness(es)

Garden Happiness(es)

So many tomatoes still on the vine!!!  Yellows and greens and ......gorgeous reds!The ladies do love their Scratch!Lemon cuke, Brandywines and Pole BeansLove really is all around...This is the only one of it's kind in our yard......but the Morning Glories have officially taken over everything I've let them!Our potatoes are still very much alive.  Do I wait for them to…
Garden Happiness(es)

Garden Happiness(es)

Summer and Winter Squash, making friends.The potatoes have almost completely recovered after their battering by the hail a week ago!  Thank goodness!The tiniest sunflower EVER......See how tiny it is in comparison to the morning glory???I love the variety our chickens give us in the size, shape and color of their eggs!Our very first Brandywine!!!It was absolutely delicious!!!Happy Gardening!!!What is making…