
24 articles
The Falling Season

The Falling Season

Yesterday afternoon the sky cracked open with the most beautiful lightening show and it rained and rained (glorious rain)!This morning, with a chill in the air and the garden weighed down with moisture, the falling of a season has become very apparent.  The contrasts of new and old growth are striking, but it is only a matter of time (a…
Running for the Hills

Running for the Hills

Last weekend, after a particularly hard week, we ran for the hills.  Literally.We were lucky enough to be granted permission to camp on a private piece of property way up in the National Forest on Rosilla Peak.  Given that the property was huge (a few hundred acres, I'm sure), we didn't see a single person for over 36 hours and…
Drought & Climate Change

Drought & Climate Change

I've been hearing bits and pieces on the news all week about record breaking temps and climate change, but none of it really hit home until I saw this graphic.  That's a lot of drought.SourceOur garden is gorgeous this year (tall, lush, heavily producing) for a couple of and attention, drip irrigation, tons and tons of mulch (in the form of straw)…
Echinacea Spider

Echinacea Spider

While photographing our first echinacea, a caught a glimpse of the tiniest little legs ever...As I moved from left to right, squatted and stood up, played with macro and good ol' zoom, this little lady slowly moved from the top of her petal to the bottom of her petal in a continued attempt to escape my gaze...  Needless to say, it…
Divine Moisture

Divine Moisture

Yesterday morning we went to the soccer fields to watch our favorite seven year play, but the game was cut short due to rain. I don't think a single person was upset.Our "monsoon" season has finally arrived, blessing us with several days in a row of moisture and a forecast that includes at least a chance of rain for the…
Playing in the Pecos

Playing in the Pecos

Last weekend, while Tool Lady and I were still enjoying some time off, we went to Pecos to let the dogs run in the snowy mountains for bit.Mr. likes to roll around in the snow...a lot!Mika just likes to run around :-)We hung out for about an hour.  We would have stayed longer except we suddenly smelled something super…