
15 articles
Herb, Tea & Spice Organization

Herb, Tea & Spice Organization

When we started purchasing many of our herbs, teas and spices in bulk, I don't think we didn't really understood how messy this new process would make our cabinets.  But bags of spices and bay leaves and Irish Breakfast tea take up a lot of space and aren't incredibly easy to keep organized...BeforeUnless, of course, you decide to get smart(er)…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!Amazingly, in this time of bountiful harvests, I haven't actually been harvesting very often!  Not because there wasn't anything to harvest, but because other life-happenings have been getting in the way.  Nothing to worry about though, everything's fine...just very busy these days (is this becoming a theme/habit?).Remarkably, I failed to even notice last week that I had broken…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!!!I've been kind of MIA form this space over the last couple of weeks, save for a few random posting here and there.  No real excuses, just life.  Luckily, though, the garden and it's production doesn't care if I miss a few posts in Blog Land...I hope you don't mind either ;-)The garden is still in high productivity…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!I missed you all last week since we went out of town for a bit of a vacation!  We're back now though, and so happy to be home and able to harvest all of our veggies while they're at their peak!  That means it's catch up time...here in the garden and with my canning pots!Before we left for…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Do you ever have those weeks where time just zooms by and you're not quite sure where it went?  Yep, last week felt that way for me!  It was the last week of the summer camp I manage and I'm not really sure where each of the days went!  There were even evenings that I came home and didn't walk…
Sowing Fall Seeds

Sowing Fall Seeds

While it always feels funny to me to start fall crops in the middle of summer, I am learning the importance of giving them the opportunity to get their roots under them well before the temperature drops. This will be our third fall and winter during which we will attempt to continue to grow some veggies while the temperatures drop…