
20 articles

If we were having coffee…

If we were having coffee, I would give you a big bear hug and thank you for making the trek all the way out to our home! If you are a Mama, I'd wish you a very Happy Mother's Day!  (Though if you're not a Mama, it's OK, there are plenty of Mamas to go around on this property ;-)…

Oh Mama! (Kidding Prep)

T-Minus 10 days and counting, and I can't imagine how much bigger Mama might get between now and her sweet babies joining us! We've spent the month of April doing our best to pull everything together for the arrival of our very first kids (and births!) on the farm. We're nervous and excited, worried and trusting, exhausted and inspired. We've…
Akuna – LGD Update

Akuna – LGD Update

Despite all of my angst around this big, white, fluffy, livestock guardian dog (LGD) of ours (between her escapes, her seemingly endless heat cycle, and the necessity for our newly installed electric fencing), I just have to say that... She is doing so well! She has calmed around the chickens and the goats and is so very gentle (though sometimes…
Up Close

Up Close

In the Quiet that is January, I've been allowing myself the space to rest... to do nothing...or very little... while dreaming big and allowing my desires to float up to the top and dance in front of my imagination. In the Quiet that is January, I've been brainstorming ways to make this part-time homesteading gig a full time one... how…
A Girl & Her Goats

A Girl & Her Goats

We've finally named the girls!!! I know, I know...it took forever! Let me officially introduce you to Lucy and Ethel. Lucy is the younger/smaller blondie, full of enthusiasm and curiosity... Ethel is a bit more calm and subdued but more than happy to go along for the ride when Lucy encourages her to do so. Ember can't yet say their…
Call us crazy…

Call us crazy…

We've gone and done it. After years of dreaming and scheming, planning and searching, we've finally committed to getting some goats! We spent most of the day yesterday visiting a couple of Nigerian Dwarf Goat farms a couple of hours south from us and decided on a sweet Mama (Sunset Plains Carmello) and her nine week old little girl (she's…