fruit trees

18 articles
Catch Up

Catch Up

I've been kind of out-of-sorts for a couple of weeks now.  Full-on sick (kidney infection first, then the flu), as have Tool Lady and Fish Girl (just the flu for them...horrible, no good, very bad, long lasting flu). It's hard to focus on anything when your body hurts and you can't breathe.  We're doing better now, though still on the…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!According to the Farmer's Almanac, we are in for a cold, wet winter!  I'll take the snow, but am hopeful the cold part is a normal cold and not a frigid one! We are planning two hoop houses in the backyard this year in which to over winter a few crops.  In addition to plastic sheeting and water bottles…
Apple Season

Apple Season

Apple season is officially upon us and, I have to say, I am so incredibly excited about it!Since we've processed all 150 pounds of gifted apples, it's finally time to start harvesting the apples from our own tiny trees!Now, we put in our apple trees just a few years ago and this is the first year we've really seen them…
Cherry Carnage & Strawberry Protection

Cherry Carnage & Strawberry Protection

Whelp...after all the excitement and promise of cherries last week, it looks like I was worried about the wrong pest.  This is what has happened over the past few days...Do you see the two almost ripe cherries?Now, do you see the devoured cherry above them?Yep...all our beautiful, ripe cherries have been devoured, making a few nice meals for the local…
Meyer Lemon Tree

Meyer Lemon Tree

Well, we finally broke down and purchased ourselves a little lemon tree!  We've been talking about it for a while and have debated the pros and cons and have decided to go ahead and jump on it. It's really little right now...more of a bush than a tree...but it has itty bitty lemons on it and that makes me happy!…
Good News/Bad News

Good News/Bad News

The good news is, we have cherries that are ripening up!The bad news is, we have a million aphids on our cherry tree!The good news is, we also have some Ladybugs on our cherry tree!Let's hope they're hungrier and faster than the aphids...