It’s officially that time of year again! One of my very favorite activities each February is picking out the year’s flock additions. So, yesterday, after a long, exhausting day at work, we thought eight chirping, fluffy butted babies would be the perfect answer. They were! We are still looking to…
For a short while this winter I thought that, for the first time in years, we wouldn’t add any new chicks to the flock this year. With all of the transitions and upheaval, I guess I was thinking that adding some Newbies to the mix might not be the best…
Everyone loves itty bitty chicks and their fluffy butts, right? Well, it’s officially that time of year…the time when all us urban farmers are scrambling for our next flock of backyard chickens! You either get ’em while they’re itty bitty and hand raise them up or you wait until they…
So, you’ve asked yourself all of the questions and you’ve decided to jump into backyard chicken keeping with both feet? Awesome! You’ve created your brooder and have it ready with clean litter, a heat lamp and some food and water. You’ve picked your breeds, come up with a number you…
Why do chickens roost? To stay safe from predators at night, of course 🙂 Apparently the Little Ones like to roost even though they’re safe (er…trapped) in their nice, warm brooder! I have found, at different times, both the Ameraucanas and the Astralorps on their mini, impromptu roosting bar. I…
Chicks are super cute and fuzzy and brand new and everybody loves them…and then they grow up to be actual chickens who peck and squawk and poop everywhere all the time. Who knew, right?! So, how do you get those cute, cuddly chicks to stay semi-cute and lovable once they’re grown and…
Our new chicks are in and are officially the cutest little ladies ever! I’ll post more about how we plan to build a new brooder and expand the chicken run to accommodate our 9 new cuties (3 Ameraucanas, 3 Australorps & 3 Buff Orpingtons) , but for now, let’s just enjoy the…