chicken coop

4 articles
The Great Chicken Mansion Move

The Great Chicken Mansion Move

Well, it only took us two months to get a bit clearer on our path from the city and into a whole new way of living, but clearer it is...which means projects we've been putting off have to be taken care, no matter what the weather, time or energy allows for. While the Urban Farm hasn't sold, we have found…
The Door Swings Out!

The Door Swings Out!

A couple of days ago, when I wrote about all the work Tool Lady did on the chicken coop, I completely forgot to mention the most exciting upgrade to the whole darn coop! Ever since we built the Chicken Mansion, my biggest frustration has been having to push and shove my way into the coop every time I had to…
The Great Chicken Escape

The Great Chicken Escape

A couple of mornings ago I walked to the coop to give the Ladies some leftovers and noticed, out of the corner of my eye, one of our Ameraucanas on the outside of the coop, right by my feet!  Thoroughly confused, I let her into the coop.I couldn't, for the life of me, figure out how she escaped!  Maybe she…
A Clean Coop is a Happy Coop

A Clean Coop is a Happy Coop

Chickens are dirty birds.  They poop everywhere and then they kick their poop everywhere else while scratching around for food and bugs.  We probably don't clean out their coop as often as we could (I've read that some people clean out their coops every single week while we do ours every few months), but I think the dry weather we…