
8 articles
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!Well, the past week has been full of tomatoes! 18 to be exact!  17 of those were Yellow Taxis and 1 was a Cherokee itty bitty Cherokee Purple.  While it was quite a pain to carry all those tomato starts in and out of the house for a couple of weeks in April and May, getting a…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!Something very exciting happened this week!  We harvested our first three tomatoes!!!  Yep, you read that right...two Yellow Taxi Tomatoes and one cherry tomato!  Oh man!  I guess that starting those seeds under the grow lights in February really paid off :-)We also harvested our first dill, the last of the over-wintered carrots, and some more kale, peas,…
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