Today marks, officially, my sixth Blogiversary. Six years of writing in this space. Six years of documenting the ups and downs, ins and outs of all things urban farming first, and rural homesteading/hobby farming second… In 1,230 published posts (including this one)! Whew! And so, I’m obviously spending a bit…
If we were having coffee, I’d greet you warmly with a big hug (if you are, indeed, a Hugger) and thank you for joining me! It’s been a while since we’ve had the opportunity to catch up and I’ve missed you! The weeks have simply flown by, and while I’d…
1,461 days 1, 055 blog posts 6, 129 comments 500,000 + visitors This little blog of mine was born on Feb 20, 2011 with a post titled Beginnings. Which makes today my official Blogiversary 🙂 It really has been a jam-packed, completely amazing four years! I’ve written a bunch of posts,…