14 Day Pantry Challenge

4 articles

14 Day Pantry Challenge Wrap Up

Alright.  It's over.  Let's look at what happened, what worked and what didn't.I started the 14 Day Pantry Challenge two weeks ago to challenge myself and my family to eat only what we had in our pantry, fridge and freezers for 2 weeks.  No grocery shopping.  No going out to eat.  Accomplishing this would not only help us to make some room…
14 Day Pantry Challenge Update

14 Day Pantry Challenge Update

Gobble, gobble, gobble!A huge success of this whole challenge has been the fact that we had a 15 pound turkey waiting for us in our deep freezer!  We purchased this guy last year at Thanksgiving time and have been saving him away for when we need him!  YAY!Now, how exactly do you you spread a 15 pound turkey as far…
The bad, the ugly and the upside…

The bad, the ugly and the upside…

Sometimes, when I write a blog, I want to only show the good, beautiful, happiness that is happening with the yard or the chickens.  Don't ask me why, maybe it's just in my nature.  However, it's not the whole truth and I know that I enjoy reading of other urban homesteading struggles because those who share their struggles are telling…
The 14 Day Pantry Challenge

The 14 Day Pantry Challenge

So...What the heck is a 14 day pantry challenge?  Well, I've been reading a lot of blogs in my copious free time (huh?) and came across the March Pantry Challenge which was apparently inspired by this blog and this challenge.  The goal is to eat what you have in your pantry, fridge and freezer for a set period of time.  Some people do it to…