• In the Garden - Sow

    2022 Garden Prep & Planning

    With the hope and inspiration of Spring upon us I’m determined to keep my 2022 garden prep & planning at the top of my priority list. Easy peasy, right? Eh… maybe 😉 See, if I’m being honest here (which I intend to be), the last couple of years have a…

  • If we were having coffee...

    If we were having coffee…

    Holy wow! It’s been a while, hasn’t it, since we’ve sat together, sharing space, time, and a good, hot beverage?! How wonderful it is to see you! I’m enjoying black tea with milk and honey (per usual), but we have coffee and a variety of herbal teas I can happily…

  • Homesteading

    Welcome Spring

    Once there was a thing called spring when the world was writing verses like yours and mine. Ella Fitzgerald Spring in the high desert is quite the trickster… 70* one day, 40* the next. Maybe it’ll rain… or snow… or hail… or torture us with insane winds… or be absolutely…

  • Homesteading

    And so it goes…

    743 days It’s been 743 days since I last sat down to write in this space… And almost that long since the world shut down and all of our lives slid into wildly unprecedented times. The truth is, I can’t imagine any one of us had a real read on…

  • Homesteading

    New Beginnings

    With spring right around the bend, the season of new beginnings, with it's warmer days, endless dreams, and mile long task lists , it seems like the perfect time to share a bit of news... But first I should probably give you a bit of context.

  • Everything Else

    2019 in Review

    I know I haven’t been in this space much this year, despite all the best intentions and half starts, but I simply cannot let 2019 pass without a bit of a review, for your sake and my own 😉 Hold on tight, it’s been a trip… Winter What is it…