Search Results For “sky blanket”

18 results
Playing Catch Up

Playing Catch Up

The last couple of weeks have been a bit trying for me.  Between work and home, there's just so much to do and so little time!  I'm exhausted all the time.  Happy, but truly exhausted. I feel behind on everything. The garden is still being put in, we need to name and register the goats, and the weeds just won't…
A new hat for Sprout

A new hat for Sprout

With the weather warming and this toddler of our growing like a weed, a new hat was necessary to get us through the next couple of months. Simple as it is, I am very happy with how it turned out...and I think she is, too :-) After working on my #skyblanket for a year, I'm thoroughly enjoying #projects like this…
The Morning After

The Morning After

I woke up this morning, feeling a bit beat up. I'm not sure if it was the excited energy of yesterday (jam packed with chores and cleaning and prepping in anticipation of our good friends arrival for an evening full of good food, tasty drinks, and moon watching to go along with a sleep-over, or if it was the busy-ness…
Catch Up

Catch Up

I've been kind of out-of-sorts for a couple of weeks now.  Full-on sick (kidney infection first, then the flu), as have Tool Lady and Fish Girl (just the flu for them...horrible, no good, very bad, long lasting flu). It's hard to focus on anything when your body hurts and you can't breathe.  We're doing better now, though still on the…

Freeze Yer Buns Challenge Update

Well, we have been officially freezing' our buns for the last month, but the real challenge has popped up over the last several days!  With temps falling below zero a few nights in a row (which seems to be turning into a new norm, least after last February's record breaking lows and this months lows reaching well below zero)…
Preparing the Chickens for Hibernation

Preparing the Chickens for Hibernation

It's only a matter of time until the ground is frozen over, all the green is gone and covered by a blanket of white.  I enjoy winter.  I really do.  I just wish it wasn't 3 months long. I could be happy with just Spring, Summer and Right now, it's beautiful outside and it's not even freezing at night…