• In the Garden

    Fall Planning & Planting

    Have I mentioned in this space over the last eight years how downright hard it is to grow vegetables in the ground? I know that may sound crazy, but just hear me out… While humans have been been growing food directly in the ground since the beginning of time (or…

  • In the Garden

    Milky Oats

    I was first introduced to Milky Oats a few years ago through Asia Suler’s online Intuitive Plant Medicine course. Shortly thereafter, a local farmer had some at the Farmers’ Market and I immediately and happily purchased a bunch and brought them home to process into medicine. Little did I know…

  • Everything Else

    Welcome Corazon & Kira

    Six years ago we welcomed two boy kitties onto our farm who became the sweetest and best Barn Cats ever. Ben & Jerry, abandoned at our farm gate when they were quite tiny and amidst an incredibly exciting population explosion on the farm, served our family incredibly well for several…

  • If we were having coffee...

    If we were having coffee…

    Hey! Hi! Hello there! I’m so sorry I’ve missed our last few coffee dates! Life has been… wild. But I’m grateful you’re here and we have a bit of time to share together! I’m enjoying hot black tea with milk and honey (per usual), but we have coffee and a…

  • In the Garden

    Among Friends

    With the warmest months upon us I’ve been trying to be better about spending the quiet moments of the early mornings in the garden, in the field, or in the herb garden among friends… gently sowing, weeding, or harvesting, listening to the morning calls of birds, and enjoying the crisp…

  • If we were having coffee...

    If we were having coffee…

    Hey! Hi! Hello there! Thank you for being here! I’m enjoying black tea with milk and honey (per usual), but we have coffee and a variety of herbal teas I can happily brew for you, if you’d prefer. What would you like? How you’ve been? Your family? Work? Done anything…