Search Results For “harvest monday”

136 results
2012 Tomato Reflections

2012 Tomato Reflections

This was a big tomato year for us.  Not only did we plant more tomatoes than ever before, our yields were huge!  When all was said and done, we'd harvested ~170 pounds of tomatoes from 18 plants!  For the first time we were able to eat fresh tomatoes for six months straight (our first harvest was a Yellow Taxi on…
Independence Days

Independence Days

Happy Friday, everyone!!!I've continued to hope that the warm weather will stick around and have been slowly transplanting hardened off veggies into either the ground or their permanent pots.  I have to continuously fight the urge to put everything in the ground right now, but we are very close!  Anyhow, here's a peek at some of what we've been up…
Independence Days

Independence Days

Happy Friday, everyone! Plant something: The weather has been absolutely amazing and while I'd like to believe that we're well into the warm months, I have to remind myself that it really is still possible for us to get a frost or even a snow storm.  Given this, I'm still hesitant to put much in the actual ground, but I…
Independence days

Independence days

Do you ever have one of those weeks that simply escapes you?  Yeah...I've had one of those weeks.  Not really sure where the time went...homework...regular in general...yada yada yada.  Luckily though, at the end of the week, now that I add it all up, I can remember that I did, actually, accomplish a few things!  It may not be…
Independence Days

Independence Days

This has been another busy week for me and all I want to do is play in the dirt!  Instead of, you know, working and getting close to finishing up my classes (research papers suck, by the way).  I have to give myself "garden breaks" from time to time so I don't hate school so much.  OK...I guess that's not…
Independence Days

Independence Days

Happy Friday, everyone!Plant something: As April charges on, I've gone from feeling like I was doing too much planting too soon to feeling like I can't get seeds into soil fast enough.  Does that ever happen to you?  Is there ever a plateau?Under the grow lightsMarigoldsHabanero peppersJalapenosShishito peppersChocolate Beauty bell pepperCalifornia Wonder bell pepperHappy Hot peppersHappy Sweet peppersSweet Red bell…