Our Journey

Kim and I purchased our first home together in 2007.  Knowing full well going in that it wouldn’t be our Forever Home, what we didn’t anticipate was turning the tiny the property into an incredibly productive urban farm.

Read all about the transformation of our city lot into an urban farm here.

In the fall of 2014, we left our urban farm in an effort to more intentionally pursue our dreams of growing even more food as well as raising our own livestock.  We landed about 25 minutes north of Santa Fe on a 6 acre compound with seven other tenants on the property and some pretty serious water issues (especially when our main goal was to acquire livestock, hauling in water was not sustainable).

Read more about our adventures in the 1821 Hacienda between Sept. 2014 and March 2015 here, here, here, here, and here.

Quickly realizing that we could not stay in the hacienda for long, we began looking for a new place to call home and found an amazing 11 acre homestead another 30 minutes north of our urban farm in the city.

You can read about our 11 acre (rented) homestead here, here, and here.

While we recognize that this move is big one (the ~hour commute into Santa Fe to work, the 11 acres to care for, all of the million skills to learn…), we really feel that this is the right next step on our journey while we work toward our Forever Farm and are so very excited to have found such an amazing piece of property.  We have recently signed a two-year lease, so will be here at least into the spring of 2018.

Thank you so much for sharing all of the twists and turns of this journey with us!  Grab the beverage of your choice, pull up a seat, and stay awhile!  I do love the company 🙂


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