Welcome to the Local Bite Giveaway page! This phenomenal giveaway coincides with the Local Bite Challenge itself, with the aim of helping one winner continue on their journey to a more locally centered way of eating and living!
Learn more about each of the items here, then pop on over the the giveaway and enter!
- One $200 Gift Certificate to Local Harvest, purchased by all of the bloggers participating in this giveaway (see the full list below)
- One “Locally Grown” t-shirt, graciously donated by Fed by Threads
- One Preserving by the Pint book, graciously donated by Marisa McClellan
- One set of autographed Homemade Living Series books, graciously donated by Ashley English
- One The Art of Gardening: Building Your Soil eBook, graciously donated by Susan of Learning and Yearning
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