Local Bite Giveaway

Welcome to the Local Bite Giveaway page!  This phenomenal giveaway coincides with the Local Bite Challenge itself, with the aim of helping one winner continue on their journey to a more locally centered way of eating and living!

Learn more about each of the items here, then pop on over the the giveaway and enter!

  1. One $200 Gift Certificate to Local Harvest, purchased by all of the bloggers participating in this giveaway (see the full list below)
  2. One “Locally Grown” t-shirt, graciously donated by Fed by Threads
  3. One Preserving by the Pint book, graciously donated by Marisa McClellan
  4. One set of autographed Homemade Living Series books, graciously donated by Ashley English
  5. One The Art of Gardening: Building Your Soil eBook, graciously donated by Susan of Learning and Yearning

Local Bite Giveaway




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