As mentioned in my original How to Prep for the Unexpected post, I am determined to tighten up our emergency plans and supplies. So, in the interest of starting at the beginning and after being inspired by sites like everyday-carry and everydaycarryblog, as well as a couple of old posts by Kelly…
Prepper – Someone who focuses on preparedness, generally for various worst-case scenarios like peak oil or armageddon. Sometimes used to avoid the more loaded term survivalist. Some preppers focus on guns, others on sustainable agriculture. Honestly, I am not sure whether or not we might be considered Preppers. We have emergency food…
Happy Friday, everyone!!! I’ve continued to hope that the warm weather will stick around and have been slowly transplanting hardened off veggies into either the ground or their permanent pots. I have to continuously fight the urge to put everything in the ground right now, but we are very close!…
Happy Friday, everyone! Plant something: The weather has been absolutely amazing and while I’d like to believe that we’re well into the warm months, I have to remind myself that it really is still possible for us to get a frost or even a snow storm. Given this, I’m still…
Do you ever have one of those weeks that simply escapes you? Yeah…I’ve had one of those weeks. Not really sure where the time went…homework…regular work…life in general…yada yada yada. Luckily though, at the end of the week, now that I add it all up, I can remember that I…
This has been another busy week for me and all I want to do is play in the dirt! Instead of, you know, working and getting close to finishing up my classes (research papers suck, by the way). I have to give myself “garden breaks” from time to time so…
Happy Friday, everyone! I hope the week has treated you well and the coming weekend is divine! Diving right in… Plant something: Believe it or not, I have not planted a single seed since last week. We hit a bit of a cold snap…rain, snow, grey grossness…for a few days and…
Happy Friday, everyone!!! Man, has this week felt crazy to anyone else? Not sure what’s going on, but it’s been a little batty around here. Well, thank goodness for Fridays and warm weather…I could really use some meditative time in the yard… 🙂 Plant something (under grow lights)…I’m kind of…