• In the Garden - Sow

    2022 Garden Prep & Planning

    With the hope and inspiration of Spring upon us I’m determined to keep my 2022 garden prep & planning at the top of my priority list. Easy peasy, right? Eh… maybe 😉 See, if I’m being honest here (which I intend to be), the last couple of years have a…

  • Grow - Sow

    The Abundance of Spring

    After years of drought and worry about water, last year was a doozy. All across northern New Mexico farmers were sharing stories of dry ditches and dying crops and caring for every drop they got, whenever they could get it. Elders talked about droughts when they were kids and how…

  • In the Garden - Sow

    Vegetable seeds, hopes, & dreams

    With the snows of January continually enveloping us and the hope of Spring right around the bend (but not before several twists and turns, I’m sure) how better to spend a bit of time than by going through a few hundred seed packets and daydreaming about planting season? 2018, with…

  • Grow - Harvest - Sow

    Roots & Fruits

    We’ve been in our new home for just over three months now. Though, if I’m being honest, it feels like much, much longer. Inside, we’ve been figuring out storage, adjusting to a tiny kitchen with very little counter space, navigating passive solar and the beginnings to what’s shaping up to…

  • Grow - Sow

    2017 Kitchen Garden Planting List

    I mentioned in my last post that, despite our challenges in the Kitchen Garden last year, we’ve decided to move forward with planting it out again this year. We will, however, be simplifying things just a bit. The Plan Get Organized With my two nifty new photo-turned-seed organizers all filled…

  • Grow - Sow

    2017 Kitchen Garden Plans – Three Sisters

    At the end of the season last year I was 98% sure we wouldn’t plant a kitchen garden at all this year. This decision was two-fold: We’d had our asses handed to us throughout the season and With my new job working alongside the Farmers’ Market, I had fresh produce…

  • Grow - Sow

    Seed Starting…

    Yes, it is early. Yes, this is all part of my plan to succession sow our way to Garden Abundance in 2016. Yes, these are tomato sprouts (though I’ve also started a few peppers, eggplants, and tomatillos as well). Yes, these babies will require much TLC and up-potting before they…

  • Grow - Sow

    The Garlic is in the Ground

    We finally got the garlic in the ground yesterday and I can’t tell you how relieved I am because planting garlic is one of those little things that brings me so much comfort and so much joy. Maybe it’s the act of putting something in the not-yet-frozen earth knowing full…