In the Garden

237 articles
The Changing Seasons – August and September in Review

The Changing Seasons – August and September in Review

If you're keeping track, you might have noticed that I skipped my monthly reflection for August...and you might even notice that my reflection for September is a full two weeks late... Geez... Yeah, the past few months have been a whirlwind of work, property and animal upkeep, and...oh yeah! the planning, prepping for and actual celebration of our marriage! So,…
Closing up the season…

Closing up the season…

For the first time in a long time, we spent a good part of the day today in the garden. Truly, that poor garden of ours has been quite neglected for some time now with the exception of quick visits to harvest the dregs of summer. Truth be told, the challenges of the garden got the best of me this…
Empty Honey Comb

Empty Honey Comb

When we moved into our new home at the very end of March, we figured it would be too late to add some bees into the mix but, hopeful as I am, I reached out to a local apiary just in case. They've simply been missed too much to not try. I was told about the wait list and how…
In the Garden

In the Garden

You guys, we have officially gotten our asses handed to us in the garden. Yes, there are veggies growing and being harvested. No, the whole thing has not been a complete failure. And yet, this season has truly kicked our asses. We have worked so hard through epic battles against bindweed and squash bugs and grasshoppers and mosquitoes and yet…
Mid August Garden Update!

Mid August Garden Update!

We're in a holding pattern in the garden right now. Not because nothing is happening... but because everything is happening (it's just not all coming into the kitchen yet)!   We still have snap peas and beans coming in the door on a regular basis, as well as kale and basil. Our newest harvest, though, is squash! Not at an…
Slow to Harvest

Slow to Harvest

While we are not new to gardening, we are new to this space. And while we have planted a bazillion seeds, they haven't all germinated. And while it feels as though this property has been our home for ages, it's really only been a few months. So, I have to remember that, though our first real harvests are just beginning…