In the Garden

237 articles
Garden Wrap Up

Garden Wrap Up

This summer has been a whirlwind of events!  Between general life, work, the garden, the bees, the chickens, the drought and my decision to go back to school this fall, I'm exhausted.  Despite my exhaustion, I am incredibly excited about our veggies, all that has been produced and all that is still coming in the door on a daily basis!To…
Garden Happiness(es)

Garden Happiness(es)

Summer and Winter Squash, making friends.The potatoes have almost completely recovered after their battering by the hail a week ago!  Thank goodness!The tiniest sunflower EVER......See how tiny it is in comparison to the morning glory???I love the variety our chickens give us in the size, shape and color of their eggs!Our very first Brandywine!!!It was absolutely delicious!!!Happy Gardening!!!What is making…
The Birds & the Bees of Squash

The Birds & the Bees of Squash

Have you ever wondered how you can tell which of your flowers might become an actual squash?  I sure have.  Because, while the flowers sure are pretty, I'd much rather have a meal than a few flowers.This is a male pumpkin flower...This is a female pumpkin flower. How do I know?Because she is pregnant :-)When her baby is ready, it…
What’s All the Buzzing About?

What’s All the Buzzing About?

I've had my first sting!  Yep, I'm 34 and have never been stung by a bee before!  Maybe it's my name???Oh well!  It was an accident.  I was harvesting some tomatoes, squatted down and didn't realize that a little bee had landed on my calf.  As I went down, so did his stinger, straight into my calf.  Poor little bee.…
When Spinach Bolts

When Spinach Bolts

My attempt at growing spinach through the summer has been foiled by all the crazy hot weather we've been experiencing.  I thought that because there is a spot in the front yard that never gets any direct sun, I just might be able to grow lettuces and spinach all summer.  Also, it worked last year perfectly!Well,  the arugula and lettuce…
Garden Happiness(es)

Garden Happiness(es)

The sweet corn in the back yard seems to be's not even 3 feet tall, but it's starting to try to produce corn...weird!The German Butterball Potatoes  are getting ready to flower!The Butternut Squash is getting some color texture!Bush Beans, Pole Beans and Snap PeasMystery tomatoes coming along.  I transplanted this guy and forgot to write down what he was!!!…