Happy Monday, everyone! The garden is officially starting to explode! With so many (very) hot days, followed by a few days of light drizzles and a few heavy downpours (finally!), the garden is happy, beginning to produce and filling in very nicely! While harvests are still pretty sporadic and small,…
Well, if the old saying about growing corn is true, I think we’re headed for a good (yet small) corn crop this year! Yes, this photo is of our Three Sisters bed in the front yard and yes, this photo was actually taken on the Fourth of July 🙂 Additionally,…
Compost is one of those magical things that I read about (and pin about) and participate in all the time, but there’s a part of me that doesn’t fully believe that it will do it’s job. Do you ever feel like that? I mean, really…You set up a spot, toss…
It seems as though our pallet beds might just be our biggest challenge on our little plot. While we love them and their ability to create a screen between our (currently empty) bee hive and the rest of the yard while giving us a bit of vertical growing space, they’re…
Happy Monday, everyone! Grow The garden is, with the exception of one single tomato plant, doing amazingly well despite the record breaking temps we had over the past week. I anticipate many tomatoes and peppers in the coming weeks and cannot wait for our tomatillos to begin forming their cute…
Happy Monday everyone! Small (as in teeny tiny) harvests are still harvests right? Yeah…it’s that time of year again! But hey, at least there’s some color involved, right? 😉 Harvest totals for the week: Mint = 2 oz Radishes (Easter Egg) = 5 oz Strawberries = 2 oz Tomatoes (2 Yellow…
Earlier this year we were nominated by an old friend for the Homegrown New Mexico Kitchen Garden & Coop Tour which has been held each summer for the past few years. After a few emails, a visit/walk-through and a bit of waiting we were notified that we had been accepted…
Happy Monday, everyone! Looking back on last years June harvests, I’m feeling more than a little behind. I am , however, trying to keep in mind that weather is a mysterious thing. Last year we had a mild winter and a very warm spring which led to early germination, happy…