
101 articles
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday, everyone!This week brought us a few more potatoes and the surprise of a pie pumpkin and a Roma tomato that were hiding beneath the potato leaves!  Amazingly, both the pumpkin and the tomato are completely fine, despite the multiple freezes we've had over the past couple of weeks!  I guess they were "mulched" perfectly by the leaves :-)I…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!Well, the cold has officially hit.  It will warm up again, but our lows over the last couple of days have been down in the teens (not normal for Santa Fe in November), which has given me some pause.  After last years mild winter, I'm wondering how this winter will really treat us...Anyhow, we're lucky enough to still…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!I missed last weeks Harvest Monday because I was in Milwaukee visiting my very best friend in the world!  We were watching Sandy hammer the east coast, eating good (comfort) food, painting and enjoying the wonder that 20+ years of friendship brings :-)But I digress...I must catch up on harvesting and tallying...that's what you're here for, aren't you?…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!Well, things aren't incredibly exciting here in the way of harvests now.  We do, however, still have a few tomato vines that are holding onto some beautiful fruits (a Barnes Mountain Yellow, two Orange Flesh Purple Smudges and an Italian Heirloom), though they are ripening rather slowly with the cooler weather and shorter days!  They will have to,…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!Tool Lady taming the jungle. I escaped Homework Land just long enough to snap a couple of pictures :-)How do you know that your wife loves you?  When she chooses to spend the majority of her Saturday cleaning up the garden and bringing in what's left to harvest while you work on homework for 14 hours straight!  True story,…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday, everyone!Well, as I mentioned yesterday, the cold is toying with us!  We were forecasted to hit freezing temps last weekend, but alas, nothing happened.  I'm guessing this will be our last large harvest before bringing in all the green tomatoes in the next week or so and the potatoes that we're hoping have matured under cover, but I…