
101 articles
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day everyone!This weeks harvest includes more greens from under our grow lights, a bit of spinach from our hoop houses/wagons and a little extra bonus!Yep...you guessed it...our chickens have begun laying eggs again.  I mean, really laying eggs...not the whole one every few days bit we've been struggling with for what feels like forever!  I'm…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!This week brought us the last of the acorn and butternut squash and blue corn, many more tomatoes and lemon cucumbers and the first of the fall kale.  Oh, and I can't forget the single, tiny jalapeno.I am trying to find my balance between my new school life and the rest of my life, so I'm not spending…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!Well, with Fall officially upon us, I am feeling extremely grateful for each evening that passes without the gift of frost!  Not sure how much longer we will squeek by, but I'll tip-toe as long as I have to :-)This week brought us the excitement of our very first bell pepper and some long lost carrots (they were…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!This is try #2...something funny happened on the way to posting this today...everything I wrote turned out in weird Computer-Speak once posted!  I am hopeful this time will be better!Anyhow...I was out of town most of last week attending Orientation at Prescott College (hi-ho, hi-ho, it's back to school I go).  Thankfully, Tool Lady did all the harvesting,…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

Happy Monday everyone!First off, we've broken the 100 pound mark!!!  WooHoo!!!OK...now that I've done my Happy Dance, we can get down to business ;-)This weeks highlights include:The first butternut squashActual Blue CornThe second wave of Roma TomatoesThe first Italian Heirloom!A mini CSA-type box of goodies for BrotherThe first (and possibly the only) pie pumpkinAn accidental apple harvestMy lovely new harvest…


Today was busy, but good busy.  Here are just a few things Tool Lady and I got done today...We did some training of our espalier trees (which means we tied their branches to the fence) and in the process accidently harvested a few (not quite ready) apples that Fish Girl is just a little excited about.In the process, Tool Lady…