
114 articles
Cute Chicks

Cute Chicks

Everyone loves itty bitty chicks and their fluffy butts, right? Well, it's officially that time of year...the time when all us urban farmers are scrambling for our next flock of backyard chickens!  You either get 'em while they're itty bitty and hand raise them up or you wait until they are pullets and much closer to laying age. If you…
Backyard Chickens 101 – Chick Care

Backyard Chickens 101 – Chick Care

So, you've asked yourself all of the questions and you've decided to jump into backyard chicken keeping with both feet?  Awesome! You've created your brooder and have it ready with clean litter, a heat lamp and some food and water. You've picked your breeds, come up with a number you want to start with and you're bursting at the seams…
Fun with Chicken Scratch

Fun with Chicken Scratch

Excuse me while we have a little fun with chicken scratch here at Ever Growing Farm! Because, you know...life is too short and too serious most of the time and chickens are incredibly funny and chicken scratch is like chicken crack to them and I laughed and laughed and laughed while taking these pictures ;-) I do hope you think…
Backyard Chickens 101 – Questions to Ask Yourself Before Jumping In!

Backyard Chickens 101 – Questions to Ask Yourself Before Jumping In!

So, you're thinking about getting a small flock of backyard chickens, ha? Well, I couldn't be happier to hear that! However, there are some details to think about before diving in head first like we did! What I will offer you here is the opportunity to think, really think, about what it means to delve into the world of laying…
2014 Goals and Aspirations

2014 Goals and Aspirations

The fall of 2013 brought about a couple of really big hiccups in my world and it is time for me to re-set my attention on my intentions. That said, I intend to get myself organized around my daily tasks and to-do lists. I intend to spend less time on social media and more time on the farm, in this…