• Chickens

    Chick Roosting

    Why do chickens roost?  To stay safe from predators at night, of course 🙂  Apparently the Little Ones like to roost even though they’re safe (er…trapped) in their nice, warm brooder! I have found, at different times, both the Ameraucanas and the Astralorps on their mini, impromptu roosting bar.  I…

  • Chickens

    Chick Training

    Chicks are super cute and fuzzy and brand new and everybody loves them…and then they grow up to be actual chickens who peck and squawk and poop everywhere all the time.  Who knew, right?! So, how do you get those cute, cuddly chicks to stay semi-cute and lovable once they’re grown and…

  • Chickens

    The Newest Newbies!

    Our new chicks are in and are officially the cutest little ladies ever!  I’ll post more about how we plan to build a new brooder and expand the chicken run to accommodate our 9 new cuties (3 Ameraucanas, 3 Australorps & 3 Buff Orpingtons) , but for now, let’s just enjoy the…

  • Chickens

    Dirty Eggs & Cute Chickens

    So, last week our chickens decided to lay their eggs not in their cozy nesting boxes, but in the back corner of their coop, right under their roost.  The problem with this?  Well, it is the only part of the coop that is not easily accessible to us without a…

  • Chickens

    Do Our Chickens Pay for Themselves?

    Back in August I asked this question, so we’ve been tracking it on my sidebar ever since.  This is what’s happened in a nut (egg?) shell… For a while (read: when we first started this challenge), we were getting 6-7 eggs a day and I was feeling extremely optimistic about…

  • Chickens

    The Chickens are Molting!?! Now What?

    Why the heck are my chickens losing all their feathers and not producing eggs!?!?  Are they sick?  Pissed?  Dying?  Hungry?  Revolting against the colder temperatures?  WTF?! Wait, they’re what?  Molting?  What the heck is molting and why is it happening while I’m tracking egg production vs. the cost of their…

  • Chickens

    Preparing the Chickens for Hibernation

    It’s only a matter of time until the ground is frozen over, all the green is gone and covered by a blanket of white.  I enjoy winter.  I really do.  I just wish it wasn’t 3 months long. I could be happy with just Spring, Summer and Fall…you? Right now,…

  • Chickens

    A Clean Coop is a Happy Coop

    Chickens are dirty birds.  They poop everywhere and then they kick their poop everywhere else while scratching around for food and bugs.   We probably don’t clean out their coop as often as we could (I’ve read that some people clean out their coops every single week while we do…