We’ve been trying to make a couple of loaves of fresh bread each weekend to hold us through the week. I can’t remember the last time we actually purchased store bought bread and I couldn’t be happier about it! Sandwich bread, breakfast bread…whatever it is, it’s always good! Now, nothing…
With seeds starting season at its very beginning, I have realized that I don’t have enough pods to get me through! I debated about just buying a few more flats, but decided instead to buy a bag of organic seed starting mix and try to make my own pods out…
When we got our first batch of chickens 2 years ago, we really had no clue what we were doing. We got 5 Ameracaunas thinking that we’d wind up with 3 (after looking at statistics we found online we thought that maybe 1 would be a rooster and maybe 1…
Growing up, I never even thought about canning my own pinto beans. Every bean I ate, unless I was at a restaurant or a friends house, came from a can. They were good and they were fast and easy. Open a can, add some salt, pepper and garlic powder and…
Why do chickens roost? To stay safe from predators at night, of course 🙂 Apparently the Little Ones like to roost even though they’re safe (er…trapped) in their nice, warm brooder! I have found, at different times, both the Ameraucanas and the Astralorps on their mini, impromptu roosting bar. I…
Happy Independence Days everyone! With the weather still acting…well…not very winter-like, I spent a little time last weekend watering our fruit trees. The terrifying thing is that they’re already trying to bud out. Why is this terrifying? Well, because we still have a good three months of freezing and possible…
What do you do when you find some yummy veggies and beans on sale? That’s right, you buy them, bring them home and can them. All in one day. Yeah…sometimes we’re a little crazy… On Sunday Tool Lady found some great deals while doing our bi-weekly grocery shopping so we…
Chicks are super cute and fuzzy and brand new and everybody loves them…and then they grow up to be actual chickens who peck and squawk and poop everywhere all the time. Who knew, right?! So, how do you get those cute, cuddly chicks to stay semi-cute and lovable once they’re grown and…