• Homesteading


    Being new to a property and micro-climate is a trip! You know… We’d noticed a few of the trees in the orchard that grew at incredibly wonky angles, but it wasn’t until the winds picked up in the spring and sent very heavy items spinning about like children’s toys, that we…

  • Family - Homesteading

    The Autumn Slide

    What a summer it’s been! I swear to you that I’ve written this post at least 15 times in my head over the past few weeks, updating it as new things have happened and trying to pull seconds out of free minutes to put pen to paper (or cursor to screen,…

  • Goats - Livestock

    Mama’s Quadruplets

    Quads! Can you believe it! Yes, last Thursday night (3/22), Mama Mello gave us quadruplets! The delivery was quite rough with them all twisted and tangled up in there, but everyone survived and is thriving! As I thought it might, it all started on Thursday afternoon when I realized Mama’s pen…

  • House & Home

    Homestead Move – Crunch Time

    Why on Earth does anyone ever move? I am such a home-body, a creature of habit, that moving is like a never-ending nightmare for me. The chaos and uncertainty of it all is absolutely nerve-wracking let alone the physical labor of it all. Add all the farm tools and farm…

  • Homesteading - Reflections

    Just like that…

    I didn’t believe the adults in my life who told me, when I was still young and free and hadn’t a care in the world, that the older I’d get, the faster time would pass. And yet, here I sit on the third day of a brand new year, wondering where…