When we first moved onto the property we are caretaking there was an old restaurant fridge (think loud, big, and heavy with sliding glass doors) in the tool shed that was used for fruit storage as the berries and orchard fruit came in during the growing season. It was in…
Once there was a thing called spring when the world was writing verses like yours and mine. Ella Fitzgerald Spring in the high desert is quite the trickster… 70* one day, 40* the next. Maybe it’ll rain… or snow… or hail… or torture us with insane winds… or be absolutely…
743 days It’s been 743 days since I last sat down to write in this space… And almost that long since the world shut down and all of our lives slid into wildly unprecedented times. The truth is, I can’t imagine any one of us had a real read on…
With spring right around the bend, the season of new beginnings, with it's warmer days, endless dreams, and mile long task lists , it seems like the perfect time to share a bit of news... But first I should probably give you a bit of context.
Years ago I discovered that one can preserve fresh herbs in olive oil in the freezer and started immediately doing so with my favorite herb, basil. Each year, at the height of the season, when the rich aroma of basil fills my gardens and the Farmers’ Markets, I bring as…
It’s garlic scape season and what better way to celebrate than to make a bit of Garlic Scape Pesto? What the heck is a garlic scape? It’s the curly stemmed flower of hard neck garlic that appears a few weeks before harvest time. The stem is cut off of the…
The abundance of spring often shows it first blaze of glory in the form of perfectly ripe, richly red, amazingly sweet, little strawberry gems. We wait rather impatiently for them as they shift from green to white to red and then eat as many as we can straight off the…
Hello, Friend! How are you? Are you well? Is the season treating you wonderfully? Growing you, learning you, calling you home to yourself? It’s been a bit since I’ve been able to pop in here and so I’d like to share a bit about why I’ve been MIA with a…