When I originally wrote about our brand new grow light stand a couple of years ago, we were such Newbies at this whole Urban Farming thing that I didn’t even think to give you some specifics! I was just really, really excited about the stand in general! So after a…
If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you will have seen that I received a very exciting package in the mail last week! It came at the end of a very long day and I was not feeling so hot. We were expecting several packages containing items for Sprout,…
Every once in a while, a lady just wants a good, hot, adult beverage! And what better way to appease her than with an absolutely delicious Hot Toddy? Well, I’ll tell you…How about a Hot Toddy using whiskey that has been infused with apples and cinnamon? Oh yeah… A couple…
BARTER A system of exchange by which goods or services are directly exchanged for other goods or services without using a medium of exchange, such as money. It is distinguishable from gift economies in that the reciprocal exchange is immediate and not delayed in time. Bartering is one of those…
The fall of 2013 brought about a couple of really big hiccups in my world and it is time for me to re-set my attention on my intentions. That said, I intend to get myself organized around my daily tasks and to-do lists. I intend to spend less time on…
As you may have noticed in some of my recent posts, I’ve been experimenting a bit with some tinctures and the like. There is the vanilla extract, the echinacea tincture and, if you follow me on facebook or instagram, you might also know about the apple cinnamon infused whiskey I recently…
Goat Cheese is one of those things that I never gave much thought to until we started our goat share last year. Then, with an abundance of milk on hand, there was only so much of it we could drink straight, so much of it went into the freezer to…
More often than not homemade gifts are the best way to go. Now, I know that that statement might resonate with all of you like-minded individuals who share this space with me, but if you look at our general culture of consumption, it could be easily assumed that bright, new,…