• Food Storage & Preservation

    Pickled Rhubarb

    After making several batches of rhubarb jam earlier this summer, I was kind of at a loss as to what else to make with our last harvest of rhubarb.  So, I asked Tool Lady to find something that looked good to her and she did! Pickled rhubarb?  Who knew?  Well,…

  • Food Storage & Preservation

    Small Batch Canning

    While there have been several great harvests coming in over the past couple of weeks, we still haven’t hit the point in the season where it is absolutely (ridiculously) overwhelming.  We’ve been eating lots of fresh veggies out of the garden and trying to put up as many as possible…

  • Food Storage & Preservation

    Buy It Cheap, Put It Up

    What do you do when you find some yummy veggies and beans on sale?  That’s right, you buy them, bring them home and can them.  All in one day.  Yeah…sometimes we’re a little crazy… On Sunday Tool Lady found some great deals while doing our bi-weekly grocery shopping so we…

  • Food Storage & Preservation

    Pickled Red Beet Eggs

    A couple of days ago, Tool Lady heard about Pickled Red Beet Eggs from a volunteer at work.  He stated that they were one of his favorites, and since he’s been such an awesome volunteer, we decided we should try to make some for him. After several Google searches we…

  • Food Storage & Preservation

    Sweet, Sweet Jams

    One day, hopefully later this year, we will have a pantry that is stocked full with jars and jars of food that we have canned.  Oh how I swoon over pictures of pantries that have already accomplished this!  In the meantime, however, I am finding pride and joy in the…