Happy Friday (er…Saturday!) and Welcome to our Fifth edition of Farm Photo Friday! Yes, I really am *so behind on everything that even my monthly post is a day behind! Geez…maybe things will settle down a bit after the wedding?! Maybe! In the meantime… July absolutely flew by bringing with it…
Maybe it’s the excitement of summer being officially upon us…with all of it’s hot sweaty-ness, fun potential, long days and short nights…but it’s flying by at a rapid pace and it’s all I can do to slow myself down a bit to enjoy the moments, the flashes in time, before…
Happy Friday and Welcome to our Fourth edition of Farm Photo Friday! June marked the real beginning of the harvests! Though not by our doing, but instead by the work of those who came before us, the itty bitty cherry tree and the two massive mulberry trees began ripening, giving…
What a whirlwind the past couple of months have been…but May…oh man, May was a doozie in and of itself! Between starting to get the garden in, deciding to get goats, getting ready for the goats, bringing a new pup into the family, late freezes, and a to-do list a…
Tea in hand and a puppy at my feet… A chill in the air and on the tip of my nose… Dew on my shoes, on my pajama bottoms and glistening on every surface under the new day’s sun… The magic of a newborn soy bean pushing through soil… Itty…
Snakes are an essential part of a healthy, functioning ecosystem. They are good for the garden, eat rodents, and like to stay to themselves…for the most part. Unless they decide to come inside, that is. We’ve been adventuring with bull snakes for two days in a row now and it hasn’t…
I’d like to formally introduce you to Akuna, the newest member of our family (farmily?)! Akuna – Australian aboriginal word meaning “the way forward” and “flowing water”. Imprinted on chickens, ducks, and lambs with her mama and siblings, this gorgeous Great Pyrenees puppy is being charged with guarding our own chickens,…
We’ve gone and done it. After years of dreaming and scheming, planning and searching, we’ve finally committed to getting some goats! We spent most of the day yesterday visiting a couple of Nigerian Dwarf Goat farms a couple of hours south from us and decided on a sweet Mama (Sunset…