Everything Else

200 articles
Pieces of the puzzle

Pieces of the puzzle

Well now, here is my little addition to the explosion of Take Back Urban Home-steading(s) -ness.  What we have before us is a collective dream to produce more and consume less, to experience this world at it's richest and leave it in better shape for our kiddos than it was made for us.  Our collective goal is (most generally speaking, of course)…


Alrighty then...here's my very first posting!  Yay me!  Cheers to the beginning of my blog about our experiences growing food and chickens (and hopefully bees soon, too) on 1/8 acre as well as all of our joys and stumbles along the way!  I thank you (my imagined reader) in advance while I figure this whole blog thing out. What better way to start…