• Everything Else

    The Changing Seasons – April in Review

    April is a month so full of excitement, plans, ideas, (later than normal) seed starting, and full on Spring Fever. It’s also a month full of weed pulling, garden plotting and re-plotting, and frost warnings. I find myself intermittently holding my breathe and practicing deep breathing a lot in April.…

  • Everything Else

    Life is too short…

    “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” ~Mary Oliver” (Because shit happens.) Life is too short for anger, frustration, and impatience or the seething it causes deep within… (Because friends get cancer.) Life is too short to not embrace the glorious,…

  • Everything Else

    Farm Photo Friday – Two

    Happy Friday, Happy May, and Welcome to our second edition of Farm Photo Friday! I am so very excited to have seven gorgeous shots to share with you today from seven awesome Farmers! To see a larger view of the gallery photos below, simply click on the photo and it will open…

  • Everything Else

    Settle in Gently

    After a week of traveling to (and all around) STL for work (a conference for Kim), family (so many cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents and great- grandparents) and friends (beautiful, wonderful, hilarious, glorious friends), we’re back home and doing our best to settle in gently.  Luckily, the weather is…

  • Everything Else

    Settling in…

    Whew… We made it! Despite a few bumps in the road (I was sick, Sprout was sick, the Uhaul places here are…hmmm…let’s just say…very challenging to deal with, we had so.much.stuff to move), and thanks to some truly amazing friends and family, we made it! We’re finally in our new…

  • Everything Else

    Farm Photo Friday – One

    Happy Friday and Welcome to our first ever Farm Photo Friday! I am so very excited to have three gorgeous shots to share with you today from three awesome Farmers! To see a larger view of the gallery photos below, simply click on the photo and it will open in…

  • Everything Else

    Almost there…

    This Saturday (the day after tomorrow!) we will pack our chickens in boxes, drive 30 minutes north, and introduce them to their new coop. We will walk through the house and property with our new Landlady, ask questions, and be given the rundown of what’s what. We will begin the next…

  • Everything Else

    So much hope…

    With Spring officially upon us, there are signs of the changing seasons everywhere! From the fresh air to the spring rains…the greening grasses to the increased egg production of our lovely ladies, there is so much hope in this season. Wishing you a lovely Spring, filled with as much hope as your…