Posts written by: Melissa @ Ever Growing Farm

CSA Family Pack

CSA Family Pack

As a member of our CSA, we have access to an online Marketplace where we can order a variety of items (eggs, cheese, veggies, canned items) including the newly added $60 Local Beef Family Pack that includes:8 to 10 packages of steaks, roasts and other cuts including ground beefWell, we've talked about getting this for a little while now and…


Apparently there are places in New Mexico that are experiencing their driest spring since people started tracking the weather here.  When might that have been?1892Yep.  You read that right.  The driest spring in almost 120 years.  Holy hell.Here in Santa Fe we are currently experiencing a severe drought with no relief in sight.  Now, I knew it was dry because:1) We have…
Garden Happiness(es)

Garden Happiness(es)

Massive, over-wintered spinach (in one of the now uncovered wagons)The massive spinach is now starting to go to seed...finally!Baby spinach in a pot on the front porch to replace the massive spinach once I pull it all out :-)Here we have lettuce and arugula which was planted in the bed right outside the front door.  The lettuce is looking good,…
Harvest Monday

Harvest Monday

This weeks Harvest Monday, hosted by Daphne consists of lots of green (yes, again...I'm practicing my patience this spring).Spinach = 1 lb 14 ozKale = 1 lb 13 ozSnap Peas = 1 ozThe snap peas are the most exciting news of the week because I just love them so much!!!  There were also several peas that we ate off the vine before…
Bee Update

Bee Update

Last night, as I was sleeping,I dreamt - marvelous error! - that I had a beehivehere inside my heart.And the golden beeswere making white combsand sweet honeyfrom my past mistakes.~Antonio MachadoWell, it's been a week since we received our bees and we decided it was time to check on them.  You know...make sure they are happy and the queen is among…
Spinach & Kale Preservation

Spinach & Kale Preservation

This spring our garden has provided an over abundance of spinach and kale.  This, added to all the greens we have been getting weekly from our CSA, has forced me to figure out how to preserve some of these wonderful items instead of letting them go wilty and therefore, to the birds!This week I harvested 1lb 13oz of kale and…