
Spring Chicks

A few years ago, after years without a Roo, we added a beautiful Jersey Giant Roo to our mixed flock. Rosco is the sweetest boy and a good sire and we are so very grateful for our closed loop. He and a handful of our hens have gone rogue and set up little clutches of babes around the farm from time to time to keep our flock healthy and at a nice size.

Our flock has proved itself very comforting in the face of the challenges we’ve faced over the last few years with disruptions in our food supply chains. Now, Rosco’s talents are proving especially helpful with the bird flu and price increases making their way across the country.

While grocery stores are limiting the number of eggs one can purchase, we’re grateful to have our small backyard flock picking up their production as the days lengthen and the sun feels warmer on all our backs.

When we started keeping chicken 15 years ago with our first five chicks in our tiny backyard, we wanted to have more control over the food that went onto our plates and into our bodies. It’s wild to think about how those first five birds have helped shape our journey to this day.

But I digress…

This year has not only brought challenges for shoppers at the grocery stores, but it’s also proving incredibly challenging to purchase new chicks from our local feed stores.


Well, it seems some entrepreneurial types are buying up all the chicks as soon as they hit the stores and then upselling them online for double or triple the store’s price.

Looking online for chicks or hatching eggs isn’t any better with limited supplies or insane pricing.

And so, we’ve decided on a dual approach:

  • Break out the incubator and begin our own, intentional chick production (every three weeks for a bit) as we aim to fill our freezers in the months ahead and
  • Try our best to purchase 5-10 new chicks to add to our mixed flock of layers

Looking back at our first five chicks 15 years ago, it seems fitting that we our first hatch of 2025 gave us five sweet, fluffy babes chirp chirp chirping away…

In addition, my wife scored ten chicks at the feed store today (where they are, thankfully, now limiting the number of chicks one person can purchase).

Win, win!

Do tell…

How are things going in your neck of the woods? Have you experienced trouble getting chicks or hatching eggs to add to your flock? Or maybe you’re just starting out and have had no trouble getting your hands on some new babes? I’d love to hear about your experiences in light of the current challenges floating around the US and beyond.



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