
The August Tension

If a farm blogger doesn’t blog about farming in over a year, are they still a farmer? Yes. But are they still a blogger? Yes. Just a very busy one 😉

The August tension is upon us once again. That liminal, exhausted space at the height of summer held tenderly between excitement and overwhelm… between abundance and chaos… between contemplating packing it all in and never sowing another seed and feeling fantastically lucky and in awe of Nature at her peak.

And the fact that I haven’t written about it at all in this space in over a year, despite thinking about it/wanting to only speaks to our continued growth, learning, and evolution within our own lives and in the larger world…

And the fact that I’m re-inspired to write in this space at the height of August tension might just speak a bit about the balance held gently between inspiration and insanity because this FarmHer is so.very.tired.

The truth is, farming and homesteading aren’t always pretty and sometimes it’s hard to wrap my mind around what to say when things can’t be wrapped up in a nice little Instagram-able package. But I’ve decided to get out of my own way about it and just do my best to show up in this space more consistently and authentically.

This blog has existed in several iterations over the past 15 years and there are times when I’ve contemplated releasing this site and its associated costs but it’s still here and is such a lovely time capsule of so many of our adventures and learnings… and I’m still here, adventuring and learning. So, while we’re both still standing, I figure I might as well do my best to show up more often 😊

I’ve just updated the site theme after an accidental update to my previous theme sent everything into digital chaos but after a few anxious days, I finally figured it out and am largely happy. I’m going to take the next few months to work on cleaning up some of the dust around this space, update some of the outdated info, and decide how to move forward with what and how often I will share in this space.

I do often wonder if old school blogs are still a thing and if readers value long form writing at all anymore in a world full of 15 second videos, instant gratification, and scrolling oneself to sleep. I don’t currently have a clear answer and struggle myself to carve out the time to read and comment on blogs but if you’re here reading this now I’m going to guess we might have something in common so please pop in the comments and say HI!

No one wants to speak into a void and I am longing for authentic kinship outside of algorithms…

Wanna be friends? Let’s do this!


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4 Comments on “The August Tension

    1. Hi Siri! I’m so glad you’re here! Grab a cuppa, let’s sit a while, shall we <3

  1. Nice to see you! I am sure it is difficult to find time to write a blog post and harder if it seems to just go into the void, but hopefully you will be able to post a little more often. As to long posts in a TikTok world? Not too sure, but I still do them and some people “like” them, so hopefully at least a couple read them 😉
    Hope you enjoy your weekend (yes, I know, every day is a work day on an ever growing farm…)
    Trent recently posted…If We Were Having Coffee on the 17th of August, 2024 #weekendcoffeeshareMy Profile

    1. Hi Trent! So nice to see you, too! I so appreciate your thoughts, consistency in the Blog-o-verse, and realism about this always changing world we live in and those of us who just want to write 🙂 Hope your week is off to a lovely start!

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