Everything Else

Welcome Corazon & Kira

Six years ago we welcomed two boy kitties onto our farm who became the sweetest and best Barn Cats ever.

Ben & Jerry, abandoned at our farm gate when they were quite tiny and amidst an incredibly exciting population explosion on the farm, served our family incredibly well for several years before leaving us.

Since their departure another type of (unwelcome) explosion has happened…

A mouse explosion!

And so, a little over a month ago we started looking around for a new barn kitty or two.

And, about three weeks ago, we welcomed two sweet sisters into our farmily!

Corazon, the Calico cutie, is a mildly tempered cuddle bug who likes to observe her surroundings before jumping in.

Kira, the black & white babe, is a fearless adventurer who chases anything that moves and loves to sneak-attack toes and toys alike.

We’re obviously smitten and spending copious amounts of time with them while “training” them/helping them adapt to their new home.

They’re incredibly tiny still so they’re spending most of their time in the barn (where their crate, beds, food, and litter box are) while they size up. They’re getting to know the sights and sounds of the farm, learning about the big dogs (and the little dog), and building relationships with each of us humans.

Of course, as Barn Cats they’ll live outside and hopefully hunt all.the.mice but we also want them to stay close to our property and knowing that we’re their humans is an important part of that.

Obviously, we’re enjoying our relationship building, too.



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One comment on “Welcome Corazon & Kira

  1. Wonderful! I really like that you are inviting them to your family, even though they have a job as outside cats. I am sure they will enjoy their new life immensely.

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