In the Garden

Among Friends

With the warmest months upon us I’ve been trying to be better about spending the quiet moments of the early mornings in the garden, in the field, or in the herb garden among friends… gently sowing, weeding, or harvesting, listening to the morning calls of birds, and enjoying the crisp late spring air before the heat of the day settles in.

The pollinators are steadily taking care of business (Happy Pollinator Month!), slowly moving from blossom to blossom, the bumble bees and honey bees, hummingbirds and ladybugs, living by example, taking only what they need, leaving the rest for the next friend.

There is magic in the quiet moments, a offering, a reconnection to this land and why we’re here.

I hope you’re able to carve out a few quiet moments of your own in a way that fills your heart, Friend.



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