Coffee and Bizcochitos
Eat - Family - If we were having coffee...

If we were having coffee and bizcochitos

If we were having coffee,  I’d greet you with a great big hug (if you’re amenable to such things) and tell you how happy I am to see you! It’s been far too long since we’ve sat together and I’m so very happy you’re here! I’d ask you how you’re doing, how your family is, and how your holidays are shaping up?

Once settled, I’d start off by telling you that, despite my disbelief, my oldest daughter graduated college on the 14th and I am beside myself with pride! With a double BA in Biology and Anthropology, she’s now exploring her next steps and ready to conquer the world! It seems like just yesterday that I held her in my arms for the first time…that I was holding her hand walking her into her first day Kindergarten…that I was picking her up at the airport after her first two-week backpacking trip on her own with NOLS…or that she began her college journey.

Yeah…this mama is having all the feels and will surely write more on this later, but for now, there is only deep pride to feel and share. And so, here are few super grainy and absolutely perfect graduation photos because, believe it not, this Mama forgot her real camera at home, and so enlisted the help of our friends and family to take a few shots!

If we were having coffee, I’d ask you how this holiday season is treating you?  Are you enjoying the small moments? Taking time to let it all soak in? Baking cookies or bizcochitos? Sharing laughter and good tidings?

Or maybe you’re still rushing about in a last-minute shopping frenzy? I’m honestly doing a bit of both. I’m trying to shop in the “off hours” (read: 6:30 am) and focus on local where possible (though Doc McStuffins is decidedly not local, but Ember adores her and so do I, so there’s that 😉 ) and remember it’s not about the actual gifts, it’s about the time spent together (in new PJs), the fun of busting open over-filled stockings while sipping endless amounts of coffee and/or tea, unwrapping a bit of magic, and enjoying a huge lasagna, salad, and freshly baked bread before surrendering to the final days of the year.

And so, as the final days of 2017 slide down around us all, I wish for your days to be filled with good friends, good food, and all the good blessings for a smooth transition from all that is to all that may be.

There is so much hope in the future, isn’t there? And so much love right here in the present.

Be well, my friends.



If you’ve never experienced a bizcochito (or biscochito, if you will) I cannot recommend it highly enough. Filled with all the bad-for-you things, it’s simply not Christmastime in New Mexico if there aren’t bizcochitos to be eaten in the company of friends, family, or co-workers. This video of Natividad Manzanares making her famous bizcochitos made my heart sing when I found it in my inbox and I hope it does the same for you.

Cheers to sweet bites and sweeter moments in the hours and days ahead.

Linking up to the #weekendcoffeeshare. Pop on over to see what others are sharing <3

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6 Comments on “If we were having coffee and bizcochitos

  1. Aw, congratulations to your daughter and I’m SO happy for you, proud mom!! That is wonderful. Your Christmas dinner sounds fabulous and I MUST check out the bizcochitos! Thank you for sharing and have a very Merry Christmas!

    1. Thank you, Kathleen! We had a truly wonderful day <3 Hope you enjoyed a lovely Christmas!

  2. 1. Congratulations, momma!
    2. I truly hope that there will be a moment in this lifetime that I get to sit and have coffee with you IRL.
    3. Someone needs to make a bizcochito parody to the tune of Despacito.


    1. 1. Thank you!!!
      2. Oh, yes please! We will work to make that happen <3
      3. Oh my goodness, how amazing would that be?!


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