Journal Entries


Five weeks ago, Kim fell down the stairs on her way to grab a late-night snack and gave herself a concussion.

I heard the tumble from our bedroom and rushed down to find her sitting on the second step from the bottom, cold tea spilt everywhere, with her head in her hands.

I checked her eyes for dilation and she didn’t think she’d lost time or actually hit her head, though her elbow and collarbone hurt like hell (but not like broken).

She did go into a bit of shock (pale face, cold hands) so we waited a bit before she got back in bed and attempted to sleep for the night.

There was no puking or blacking out, so we thought she was just shaken up.

Yet, just to be sure, there were doctors appointments and alternative-doctor appointments, all of which confirmed an actual head-hit which resulted in an actual concussion…

(We later learned from the doctor that the eye dilation thing is no longer considered an adequate test as to whether or not one might have a concussion.)

And all doctors confirmed there was nothing to do but wait it out…

And to take a fish oil supplement as well as to integrate some coconut oil into her diet where possible, both of which will help her brain heal.

There were also recommendations for a full-stop…nothing but rest.

But Kim doesn’t operate at a full-stop and there were fund-raising events that had to happen, and work plans that had to be followed through with.

And so she did…broken up by as much rest as possible because her brain was literally swollen and not functioning properly…which affected everything else from her energy to her blood sugar to her ability to finish sentences.

And there were more doctors appointments and more recommendations for rest, which she then followed, to the best of her ability, with my insistence.

There were days she worked from home and days she slept all day, days she pushed too hard and days upon days that were fully lost because she pushed too hard.

There has been frustration, worry, and vulnerability…

And perspective gained from it all.

The days are still too long for her, exhausting and overwhelming more often than not…

And she is currently on the tail-end of a five-day work trip which has had me all kinds of stressed out while I hold down the fort here at home.

So, aside from Ember’s fourth birthday party and a few other fun (and much calmer than a fourth birthday party) excursions, life has been triaged down to the necessities with tasks left undone for now and to-do lists growing beyond what I can handle on my own…

And that’s OK.

Head injuries are no joke and I have a brand new understanding of how intense they can be for those who have them and those who love those who have them.

Slowly…so slowly…she is returning to herself.

And that is all that matters.

And I am so grateful.


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7 Comments on “Concussed

  1. I am so sorry to learn of this! Head injuries are such a traumatic experience. I work as a medical coder and read about cases such as this (and worse) daily. Kim is quite fortunate her injury wasn’t worse. I am sending healing wishes her way.
    Tonya recently posted…Preserving my harvestMy Profile

    1. Thank you so much, Tonya! We’ve seen vast improvement over the past week and are so grateful for her recovery! <3 I have a new appreciation for the head injuries and our vulnerability!

  2. I’m so sorry !! Read as much as you can about concussions and their effects and treatment. I have a traumatic brain injury from a head on collision in Aug 2013. It is no fun and lasts way to long. Hang in there Kim !!!

    1. Oh! I forgot about your accident, Nancy! Thank you for your kind words. Step by step, she’s improving! Hope you’re doing well! And Happy Birthing Day today for Katie!!!

  3. Longvida curcumin. I don’t know why she wasn’t told but it works wonders for brain inflammation and concussion side effects. Do not take with bioperine/piperine

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