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Shown, Unshown – May into June

This post could have easily be called, “On remembering why we started”.

Though I microblog a lot these days, there are times I’m not sure how to even address the battles happening on the farm and within myself…

And so I wait to find the right words at the right times to put in this space so as to properly share and document what’s happening, for you and for me.

But then there are the times when week after week goes by and the right words don’t come and so I just don’t get anything written in this space.

And so here we are.

See, the day after I wrote my last post, the yellow duckling died, leaving its sibling all on her own and us questioning how the hell we were supposed to raise a single duckling.

And I didn’t want to tell you all because you were just as excited as we were to have hatched out two little miracles.

So I edited the story of our Orphan Duckling before anything was ever even written down.

And then I didn’t know where to start back up in this space.

It turns out, I’ve gotten myself bogged down with the details of it all…

With every life lost…

With every seed not pushed into soil..

With every step not taken in the direction of our forever home…

With every task left undone.

Instead of taking a deep breath, recentering myself, staying present in the moment, and keeping my eye on the bigger dream.

It seems that, in inviting more life and abundance and fullness into our lives, we’ve automatically opened the door to more death and loss and grief.

There is a balance to all things.

And the truth is, it could always be worse…

And we are really and truly so very lucky to be on this journey of ours…

Learning and growing and learning and growing…

And setting ourselves up (mind, body, and spirit) for our Forever Home and our Big (Pie in the Sky) Dreams.

And so, I’ve decided to show you the loveliness of the last month…

And leave the unshown to your imagination because farm life is so full of ups and downs and, truth be told, no one (including me) needs a play by play right now 😉

Cheers to the abundance and beauty of it all…

And so, until next time, I’m wishing you the time and space to find a bit of perspective on whatever it is you might be challenged by as well as the time and space to practice a bit of self-care, in whatever way works best for you in the moment.

Keep your head up and your dreams within sight!


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7 Comments on “Shown, Unshown – May into June

  1. The sheer beauty and pain of it all amazes me. #bravehearts #wonderwomen

    1. Thank you, Donna 🙂 Some days we absolutely feel like wonder women, some days not-so-much!

  2. Great photos. I guess in many ways you are closer to “the circle of life” on that farm than most people.

    1. Thank you, Trent! Yes, the circle of life is very present here. Beauty and grief included <3 Hope you're well!

  3. Bless you and yours. Farm life is hard, sometimes tragic. Farm life is also full of new baby voices, seedlings, rain on your skin, wildflowers, crisp blue skies, fresh clean snow, bee choruses in the fruit trees, watching our children experience the joy of dancing with with baby animals. These things make the hard work and tragic occurrences worth it. You know this already, the trick is remembering when things get hard and sometimes domino. My milk barn had photo’s of all that joy, because that is where death often visited, after the fact; while preparing our lost ones for burial. We have a cottonwood tree that protects all fallen farm animals, a lizard and a fish. The photos reminded us of the joy and the cottonwood reminds of the joy as well. Love to you and yours, Tresa

    1. Thank you for your wonderful support, Tresa. The balance of it all is such an intense undertaking, but as you know, it really is so worth it in the end <3 Thank you for sharing a piece of your journey here :-)

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