Grow - Journal Entries


I took the day off of work today and gifted myself some space and time to just be.

No work or email or online miscellaneous (until now šŸ˜‰ ).

No chores, no lists.

I made an agreement with myself to do nothing I didnā€™t want to do.

Faced with this freedom, I spent the early hours of the morning in the garden, tending to the corn, pushing a few bush beans and sunflower seeds into the soilā€¦

Feeling the sun on my back, the breeze through my hair, the soil on my skin.

I pulled weeds and left some purslane, checked the germination of Bolita beans and winter squash, watched pollinators come and go, and listened to the birds sing their songs of summer in the trees and flying overhead.

Itā€™s amazing what happens to ones mind and heart when the daily distractions are removedā€¦

When one is allowed to just be.

I began thinking about the cultivation of my small patch of earth as a meditationā€¦

I gave myself permission to let my thoughts and feelings come and go instead of holding on to them.

I reflected on people, places, and things past and presentā€¦

On the impact of each experienceā€¦

Moments profound and benign that have all brought me to this day/hour/moment in time.

I fantasized about the futureā€¦

Where I (we) want to be in relation to where I am (we are) right now.

I allowed the possible scenarios of getting from Point A to Point B play through my mind without worry or attachment.

And I contemplatedĀ the cultivation of the soil and the seeds and the cornā€¦

And the cultivation of my own mind, body, and soul.

I lingered on the importance of self-care and the necessity to live life on purpose, instead of by defaultā€¦

And how default happens when one allows for the busy-ness of life to take over and how awful that feels.

And I pulled weeds and watched the sun and kept tabs on the temperature of the morning in relation to the temperature of my body and when I couldnā€™t see straight anymore because the sweat of my brow just wouldnā€™t stop dripping into my eyes, I called it a morning and headed inside where it was much cooler and so very welcoming.

And so, while I canā€™t take a day off of work every day to contemplate my existence and my place on the Planet, I hope to take moments from today into each of my tomorrowsā€¦

To check in and slow down and be present and live with intention instead ofā€¦


The alternative.

Who knew one could find such magic in the garden?


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5 Comments on “Cultivation

  1. The familiar thought patterns of garden pondering, beautifully described. You’ve reminded me why I’m so much looking forward to getting back to weeding my new garden. Thank you.

    1. I’m so happy we both needed this reminder at the same time <3 I hope you've gotten some garden therapy in :-)

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