- Our newest member of the family has officially been named! Though it took us a full two weeks, calling out for suggestions, and so much discussion, we finally settled on the name Arco. His full, official name is Arcoiris, meaning rainbow. He’s falling in nicely with everyone except Mr. who still isn’t quite sure how he feels about having another boy around. And…he’s a little more independent than I’d expected/hoped so we’re looking to train him with treats so he will actually come when he’s called. I swear, we almost thought he was deaf at first because his hearing is *so selective.
- Mama is getting so big so fast. I’m not quite concerned yet, but I swore last time she had at least three kids in there (she gave us twins) and I know with each pregnancy one shows earlier, but still…this seems a bit excessive…and she already seems uncomfortable. Lucy and Ethel are on the other hand haven’t changed much at all body wise, though Ethel is liking the scratches a bit more and Lucy is so lovey I can hardly stand it.
- I’ve been participating in the Itty Bitty Book Company’s #PositivityTakeover by placing their little quote cards around Santa Fe in an effort to inspire and/or brighten a stranger’s day. With the world (and the US specifically) in such a state of chaos, it feels good to be practicing random acts of kindness in such a simple and (potentially) profound way. I’ve loved the process so much that I’ve signed up as an affiliate so I can help to spread the word as well as for a subscription so I can get new cards to disperse every month. If you’d like to learn more you can click here or on the pic in my sidebar. I’d love to have you join in 🙂
- Kitty has been doing such a glorious job of keeping those eggs warm under her body and we’re expecting fluffy ducklings to begin emerging on Friday or Saturday. I’m excited not only for an official Cuteness Overload but for the opportunity to re-home Kitty and her ducklings on the property ASAP so we can properly contain Ricky.
- Speaking of duck eggs…we’re missing one of the two daughters that remained after our last predator attack. Though, since they were both aiming to lay their eggs in new and unfindable places since we kept collecting them, I’m wondering if she’s just hiding somewhere on the property…or even next door…and will show up with her set of ducklings in another month or so? It also looks as though Red has a bit of frostbite on his nose-waddle-thingy (official term), though it’s beginning to look better already.
- Ricky (as eluded to above) has become a great big pain in the ass…as bucks tend to do. Harassing the ladies, jumping all over our vehicles while free ranging, and butting into the dogs for no apparent reason. Akuna is doing a wonderful job with him but it is time for him to be placed within some boundaries.
- After the heartbreak of our defective incubator and a few conversations about our capacity and our current flocks laying habits, we’ve made the decision to not add any chicks to the flock this year…for the first time in seven years. This is both a little hard to wrap my head around and a huge relief right now. Who needs a bunch of fluffy butts to wipe anyway? (Only kinda kidding.)
- Ben and Jerry, our Lost & Found barn cats are beginning to roam and so we’re researching getting them both fixed through one of our local shelters who offer discounted surgeries to such beloved outdoor animals. They’re lovely boys and have proved themselves to be amazing mousers and also surely don’t need to be spreading their seed all over the Village.
Ah…Farm Life 🙂
Hope your February treated you well and that your March will be even better!
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Good luck with all the pending new life…your pup is adorable and I love your choice of name.
Thank you, Karen!!! There should be some sweet pics coming very soon!