If we were having coffee...

If we were having coffee…

If we were having coffee…

I’d greet you with a big fat hug (if you’re amenable to those) and tell you how happy I am to see you! Β Though we don’t see each other often enough, it’s always such a treat to share a cuppa with you!

I’d thank you for joining me on this cold, rainy morning andΒ I’d ask how you’ve been and how the New Year is treating you? Β Did you make a resolution (or many)? While I have some aspirations and some definite goals, there were no official Resolutions made this year and I’m feeling good about it. Β My Dream List is a mile long and if I can scratch just a few items off the list this year, I’ll be a happy camper.

If we were having coffee…

I’d tell you that I’ve just found out about Marisa’s Food in Jars Mastery Challenge and have signed up for it officially just now! Β Not sure how I missed the announcement since I follow her blog and on Instagram, but I did. Β Luckily I caught her hashtag and followed it to see what was up! Β The January challenge is Marmalade which I’m super excited about because I just got a big ol’ box of Meyer Lemons and Grapefruit from my friend Angi atΒ Schneiderpeeps that will be absolutely perfect for some Marmalade!

Meyer Lemon Recipe Extravaganza

If we were having coffee…

I’d tell you excitedly that I am in the process of quietly re-launching my Etsy Shop and shifting the focus of it from jewelry and crochet to photography with the tiniest bit of one of a kind jewelry pieces thrown in from time to time!

There are prints, greeting cards (Coffee Share Greeting Cards, too, inspired by you!!!), and post cards being added each week in January and I’ll be offering my Newsletter Subscribers a super fun (exclusive and first) deal in my next newsletter which will be sent on 1/19. Then, I’d ask if you if you’re signed up for it and tell you how to if you’re not πŸ˜‰ Β (Click here!)

If we were having coffee... Postcards

If we were having coffee…

I might ask if you’re ready for the Presidential Transition and if you, like me, feel as though you’re living in the Twilight Zone?

Then I’d ask if you’ll be attending any of the Marches on the 21st and if you’ve heard of the PussyHat Project? Β I will be marching with my family and I’m also going to try my darnedestΒ to squeak out a few hours to crochet us all hats to wear, too πŸ™‚ Β If nothing else, it will feel good to be surrounded by people who share similar beliefs as me as we enter Unknown Territory.

@katevantucci proves that #pussyhats work in every pose.

A photo posted by Pussyhat Project (@p_ssyhatproject) on

But that’s enough about politics. One can only handle so much.

If we were having coffee…

I’d ask about your Spring plans! Β (Can you tell I’m already itching for Spring even though Winter has really just begun?!)

Any trips planned or big projects around the house?

We just got back from a very quick trip to St. Louis for a (beautiful, wonderful) wedding and don’t have any other plans to travel until next Fall (with the exception of Kim’s one work trip in February).

We do, however, have an ever-growing list of things to do around the farm (and just inside the house) to properly prepare for Spring like:

  • Inventory and organize all of our seeds (plus purchase a few locally)
  • Start collecting (chicken) eggs to put in our brand new incubator
  • Purchase fertilized Turkey eggs to put in our brand new incubator
  • Make a garden plan
  • Talk to a local Farmer about his possible use of our field (which is really just an idea right now, but an exciting one none-the-less)
  • Make a plan to separate out Red & Kitty from the three adolescents so Kitty can set a clutch or two of eggs this Spring into Summer
  • Figure out if Mama, Lucy, and Ethel have been bred, breed them if not, and then move Ricky (officially) into his own shelter and yard
  • Fix the plastic sheeting on our greenhouse (again)
  • And a million other things

See, we’ve decided that this year is going to make or break us in terms of finances. Β We either need to find ways to bring in an income (even a small one) to help support all of the magic happening here, or we need to scale way back. So, everything on the above list is intended to help us with that goal over the course of the Summer.

Stay tuned for more blog post filled details as we add to the list and begin checking things off πŸ™‚

If we were having coffee…

It would now be time to say Goodbye as the animals need tending to and the laudry needs folding.

I wish you the most fantastic rest of your weekend and a wonderful week ahead!

Until next time!


Linking up to Part-Time Monster’s Weekend Coffee Share

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13 Comments on “If we were having coffee…

  1. How fun to have found your site!! I have a five acre farm south of Albuquerque. We have been here for four years. The farm continues to evolve. I’m having such fun with it. I have a bunch of chickens now… even some olive eggers! Goats, LGDs, horses, turkeys, geese, barn cats… This year I want to focus on the garden. I’ll be excited to follow your blog and get some ideas that I might incorporate at my farm. Thank goodness for the farm to focus on as the Trump disaster continues.

    1. Another New Mexican! Yay! I’m so glad you found me! Sounds like we’re on very similar paths πŸ™‚ How exciting to be planning for your garden! How big is it? What will you grow? What is your water source? And, yes, thank goodness for the distraction of Farm Needs in such a strange and uncertain time! Hope you’re having a geat week!

  2. I hope that your farm and other endeavors can bring in a little income for you. That reminds me of a farmer who won a big pot of money in the lottery. A newspaper reporter asked him what he was going to do with it all. The farmer replied, “Well, I reckon I’ll just keep on farming until the money is gone.”

    1. LOL…ain’t that the truth?! I love that joke even though it’s entirely true πŸ™‚ Thank you for your kind words, Lou!

    1. Farm Life, for real πŸ˜‰ The list never ends and yet, somehow, I’m still here and trucking along πŸ™‚

      Thanks for taking the time to comment! Nice to “meet” you πŸ™‚

  3. What a lovely long list of things to keep you busy Melissa! Makes me tired just thinking about it all ha!

    I’m joining you for coffee this morning before we head up to see the horse at his agistment. It’s cool right now, but we’re in for another hot day, even hotter tomorrow….so my short term plans are sitting somewhere shady with a cold mint and liquorice tea!

    The rest of the world is watching with breath held for the inauguration…many of us want things to be so very different for you all there. May all the protests be peaceful….

    I thought it cool you went to St Louis! My best American friend lives there! She has not recently been to a wedding,,so I assume you didn’t meet hahahaha

    You’re itching for spring, were enjoying the start of all the harvesting. My garden is not so productive this year. My tomato plants producing,,but not crazily…there may not be preserved home tomato products πŸ™ my Borlotti beans are maybe enough for one meal…but the scarlet runner and purple beans are doing well. My pickling cucumbers have produced two…yes two! So it’s a mini jar of cucumber pickles for us….sigh

    I’m hoping your plans for this year come to fruition! I hope you are able to find a way to be financially able to be more farmy, less worky πŸ˜‰

    Thank you for the coffee!

    1. Thanks for joining me for coffee, Linda!!! It’s always so nice to catch up!

      How fun that your friend is in STL! I enjoy visiting for short periods of time and love Kim’s friends so much! It was such a great time!

      I’m sorry to hear that your garden was not as productive as you’d hoped/planned for. That was our experience last year and it was *hard! I’m hoping you have a local Farmers Market close where you can purchase some of the abundant produce others were lucky with this year so you might still get some preserves on the shelf! You know, though, one year we had very few cucumbers and I made tiny jars of relish that were absolutely divine and such a nice treat to pull from the pantry! Just a thought πŸ™‚

      Wishing a lovely rest of your week and weekend ahead 9can you tell I’m already counting the days?)!!!


  4. St. Louis… you were in my neck of the woods! Good luck with your projects and I hope this is a prosperous year for you.

  5. St Louis.. you were in my neck of the woods! Good luck with all of your projects and I certainly hope this is a prosperous year for you. I am not ready for the inauguration and I definitely feel like I am in the Twilight zone!

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