
Sun Spot

Poor thing looks just miserable, doesn’t she?



Happy #FluffyButtFriday!

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7 Comments on “Sun Spot

  1. She’s pretty and happy! I’m glad your dogs have finally decided they are for protecting not eating!

    1. I love to see them so happy and at peace 🙂

  2. I love to see chickens running free instead of cooped up in cages. Most chickens aren’t as lucky as yours.

    1. I love that they can be out, too! All three of our dogs have officially decided they are bored with the poultry so they now get to free range all.the.time 🙂 It makes me *very happy!

  3. Between cats and chickens there sure are a lot of animals relaxing in sun beams around here… maybe I should take the hint!!! 🙂
    Jessie recently posted…Oh To Be A CatMy Profile

    1. As should I…and yet, there is *way too much to do!

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